Slushy machines are a popular addition to many establishments, before purchasing any electric appliance for a restaurant or shop, it is essential to know their power consumption, this is to manage their energy cost, effectively. Let’s explore how we can calculate the energy consumption cost of the Slushy Machine in this blog.

The Formula to calculate the Power consumption of any electrical device.

Power Consumption (kWh)=Power Consumption Rate (kW)×Operating Time (hours)

Avg. wattage of (a 2 x 3L tank Machine )Slush Machine = 800 Watts

Estimated usage = 8 hours per day (33% duty cycle has been considered while factoring for  12 hours in slush mode & 12 hours in night mode per day running)

Total energy/Power consumed per dat = 800W x 8h = 6400Wh = 6.4 kWh/day

Total cost = 6.4kWh/day x $0.25/kWh = $1.6/day ($o.25 kWh has been assumed as an average cost of electricity for businesses  in the US)

So the Power cost for an average 2 x 15L tank slushie machine comes to nearly $1.6/ day

The above list is based on the assumption of the power an average Slush Machine consumes. Presenting to you, the table stating the cost of running different slush machines based on size and manufacturer.